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Both the livestock and the dogs are relaxed and comfortable in each others presence. The puppy is learning to be social around the sheep and to accept that sheep belongs in its world. |
What does Bonding look like?
Liebenberg (2020)
Written for The Shepherds Magazine
“What does a bonding look like for a livestock guardian dog (LGD)?” This
question was posted in a Facebook group and I thought it was a particularly
good question to address in an article. As with all things, nothing is really
set in stone and individual dogs will show various degrees of behavior.
Bonding is for both the sheep and the LGD being comfortable with each other. The sheep are not threatened and the dogs are happy to share their space and resources with each other. |
Most traditional shepherds do not really talk in terms of bonding, the dogs are around and live with the sheep, that is what is expected from them. The term bonding is more a North American term, it explains that the dog and sheep form an “unusual” relationship with one another, that crosses specie lines. The Webster dictionary describes the word bonding to mean “the formation of a close relationship (as between a mother and child or between a person and an animal) especially through frequent or constant association.” In the case of LGD it is a relationship that is formed between two species and in this case between a predator and its prey. Another key aspect to the word bond, is that is formed because of frequent or constant association. This is key in LGD. If they do not have frequent or in most cases constant contact with the livestock, the relationship between these two species can becomes weaker or not form at all.
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These pups are socializing with the sheep and are in the critical age where they are learning to form a bond with other animals, people and situations. |
Another term more commonly used in the
dog world is “socialization”.
Socialization is the process of getting the puppy to become accustomed
to other people, animals, places, and activities so that the are calm and
relaxed in these situations. Socialization usually begins at an early age, with
the goal of having a well-adjusted dog that can handle new situations and
experiences in a calm and confident manner.
For our LGD this is what we want, we want the dog to form a relationship
with the livestock so they feel calm and confident being around them and also
to ensure they come to regard the livestock as part of their world. We socialize the LGD to their livestock and
over time a bond develops. The critical part is that this socialization is
somewhat time sensitive and is usually most effective when the pup is in the
sensitive stage, the developmental stage where it is most receptive to forming
bonds and learning new experiences. This phase is usually between 3 and 16
weeks old. Of course, there will be some
dogs who form this bond at a later age and some who never do, but as a rule of
thumb this does seem to be the most ideal time for the pup to form these
associations. In the pet dog world, this socialization and bonding happens to
the family members, in LGD, we want them to create their primary bond to the
livestock, hence the recommendation to place pups directly in with gentle livestock
when the pup comes home.
In the eighties, most livestock keepers approached bonding by not handling
their dogs at all, believing no human contact was the only way to force this
bond to the livestock. This in turn created other issues, nervous and people
shy dogs, dogs that could not be handled or given veterinary treatments and
feral dogs. Feral dogs are often not confident in their ability to handle new
situations and experiences. Finding the right balance between too much handling
and enough time to bond to the livestock is a fine line. I like to handle my
pups with the livestock. They live with the stock and the handling happens
right there.
It was expected that the dog stayed tight with the sheep, and where totally
human shy. Many ranchers felt that the dog always had to be close to the sheep,
preferably right in the middle of the stock, and preferably avoid all human
contact. As more people started to use LGD, and more breeds became accessible
to livestock operations, people noticed
some breed differences, some breeds seemed to be “tighter bonding” to their
livestock and other breeds tended to be more perimeter or patrolling dogs.
Initially many ranchers wanted nothing to do with the patrolling types, as they
felt these dogs were “not working”.
However, patrolling breeds can be as effective as tighter bonding
breeds. There is not one “right” way. Effectiveness should be measured in how
predation is controlled as opposed to the dog’s distance relative to the
livestock. The caveat here is, if the dog is always far away or never at the
sheep, then chances are he will also not be as effective if he is not around
when predation takes place. The patrolling dog needs to still be contact with
the sheep, go and patrol and come back and check with the sheep. The patrolling
type dog may not lay right in with the sheep but does need to be in relative
close proximity to the flock.
I will list some behaviors and actions that indicate that the dog is bonded to
the livestock. This list is not all encompassing and not every dog will show
all these behaviors. However, it does illustrate what a well bonded dog looks
like to the observer. A pup will certainly not show all these behaviors and as
the dog matures it will learn how to be around the livestock in a better way.
It is not a static process. A mature dog will have learned how to keep the
sheep calm, how to avoid conflicts, how to be more tolerant, to “read the
sheep’s behavior” etc.
As bonding is not a one-sided relationship, the livestock are also good
indicators of how the dog is doing. The livestock know if a dog is not
trustworthy and it is the livestock that is often be the first indicator that
the dog might be showing troubling behavior. I will touch on some livestock behavior too,
that will reflect how bonded the animals are to each other.
The dog is comfortable and relaxed around the livestock.
The dog is calm and moves through the livestock in a mindful
The dog is respectful of the livestock, does not sit on
them, paw them, bump into them, chase them.
Is comfortable with the livestock being in their space,
laying at a hay feeder together or sharing a water trough.
Will give the stock space when needed, if a ewe is lambing
the dog will walk around her, will avoid hard staring, will overt their eyes to
keep the livestock calm, the dog will move around livestock that are walking
towards him. If the animals get upset, the mature dog will naturally give them
more space to keep them settled. This type of behavior does come with maturity
and learned experiences.
The dog is attentive to the behavior of the stock. If sheep
are nervous or running, dog is looking for danger. He is attuned to the sheep and
their reactions.
Follows the animals out to graze, and is in the vicinity of where the flock is
The dog is content to be with the livestock, when you leave
the dog is happy to return to the livestock.
Is trustworthy with the livestock ( no chewing, chasing,
herding, leg nipping, wool pulling)
Feels the need to guard the livestock, barks and responds to
predators or unusual situations. Is protective of the animals and the space
they are in.
Greeting, the sheep, happy to see them. Forms relationships with individual animals as
well as the group.
“Boring. Delightfully, wonderfully, comfortingly boring.” –
Susan Soeder
Good bonding does not require the dog to always be laying in
with the sheep, being snuggled up to them or even having lambs or goat kids
jumping up and down on them. The dog may be bonded without showing this level
of tolerance. Some dogs do prefer more
personal space and that is okay.
The livestock will show indications that they trust the dog, are relaxed in the
company of the dog (not flighty, chewing cud, walking close to the dog, sharing
space, looking towards the dog when unsure, following the dog into new grazing areas or back to the barn,
relaxed, content and comfortable in the presence of the dog.
It certainly is a relationship the grows and some sheep attach more to certain
dogs than others. My dogs recognize individual sheep and cows, and some of my
sheep adore pups and will stand with them, nuzzle them, and even push other
sheep away from the pup. Some livestock
can be more aloof and that is fine too.
I think what is key to remember, the livestock guardian dog’s job is two-fold;
protect the livestock and do not eat them! Some people only want to see the
warm and fuzzy part of LGDs bonding to their stock, and often forget their main
job is to be protective. I would rather have a dog that is tolerant, but
distant towards the livestock and “guardy” in his behavior, than all cuddles
and snuggles, but ineffective toward predators.
Greetings and recognition of individual animals is another way that show some level of bonding. |
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