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Regular woven wire fence that can contain the livestock should be good enough to contain the LGD. |
Why do Livestock Guardian Dogs need Fencing?
©Louise Liebenberg 2020
Written for The Shepherd Magazine
Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGD) seem to have this reputation for being known to
roam. It is true that LGD like to expand their territory and push predators
further back. They have no qualms about claiming the neighbors land to guard,
as well as your land and all the adjacent land too. On large expansive range
operations, what keeps the LGD close to the band of sheep is his bond to the
livestock, the shepherd and the other dogs working on that range. In Europe,
the shepherds always accompany the sheep while grazing and rarely are the dogs
left alone to guard the livestock, as they are here in North America. At night the
sheep return to the village or the yard of the shepherd, and the dogs spend the
nights at the sheep fold or tethered close by. The dogs travel with the
shepherds and their flocks, and are always under the watchful eyes of the
shepherds who will call a dog back if it goes to far.
In North America, we have a system that is primarily based on a pastured
system, the sheep are contained within some fencing and grazing is rotated
through pastures or on large tracts of fenced land, in this way, the sheep
control their own grazing and a shepherd does not have to be present to tend to
the sheep. To ensure the sheep are safe, even when no one is present, the LGDs
are left alone with the sheep within the fenced pastures. It is not the original way
shepherds worked with LGD but has become the North American way. This system of pasturing livestock creates
some issues that are often not seen in the more traditional husbandry systems. Although
some guardian dogs do roam, even with a shepherd in attendance, it is less
common, and these dogs often find their way back to their own band or join up
with another band. Due to the vast areas
these sheep graze, the lack of neighbours and roads, if the LGDs do head out
and go further away chasing predators, it is not usually a big problem.
The biggest issues for LGD are those living on smaller pasture-based systems, where roaming
or chasing predators away could mean these dogs end up on neighbour’s land, in
their yards and on public roads. Neighbors are generally intolerant of having
strange dogs on their properties. Dogs that roam are a nuisance,
they poop, urinate against vehicles, cause the neighbors dogs to bark, they
could potentially breed the neighbors dogs, kill cats, frighten children, eat the
neighbors dog food, rip garbage bags open, bark at the landowners and a
multitude of other problems. The roaming LGD is not only a cause of frustration
for other people but is also a liability for the owner. A roaming LGD could
cause a vehicle accident, could cause stock (not familiar with dogs) to panic
and get injured, they can bite or injure someone. Not only is this bad for the
LGD as it could end up run over, shot, picked up by animal control or injured, but it reflects poorly on the sheep industry. It gives “ammo” to the animal
rights groups on how badly we care for our dogs. A big difference here, in
comparison to remote villages in Europe, is that we live in a litigious
society, who are generally less tolerant about other people’s animals coming
onto their property and causing problems such as barking and roaming. Fellow
shepherds in Europe are less like likely to cause you legal issues, the biggest
problem could be that your dog gets killed by their own LGDs.
The question often arises, surely if LGDs are properly bonded to the livestock
it will not roam? This is true to a
degree, in those vast open ranges, the bonding works well, however, no matter
how tight the bond is between dog and livestock, it will generally not prevent
a LGD chasing a coyote a fair distance away. It is their job to ward off
predators, not just hang out with the livestock. It is part of their duties to
“claim” the territory where the sheep graze by patrolling, barking, chasing
predators and scent marking. Staying in the vicinity of the flock is part of
their job, but it is not the whole job.
Bonding alone, will not prevent an LGD from leaving the property or the
sheep flock. Nothing is more fun for an LGD than to actively chase away yipping
and howling critters and expanding their own territory. Dogs do not have the
same sense of space as we do, our boundaries and fences are not necessarily boundaries a LGD would
The solution to this roaming issue is simple; you either go and shepherd the
sheep during the hours they graze and tether or kennel the LGD at night when
the sheep are back in the fold, or you can move and run a range operation where roaming
LGD are not a big problem or you might
have to fence your property to prevent the LGD from leaving your land.
This Shepherd in Portugal keeps an eye on the dog and goats while grazing. It is the bond between the shepherd, the goats and the dog that keeps the dog from roaming away. |
Many LGDs are (unfortunately) not simply contained, what drives them to want to
leave are primal instincts and those are powerful. We also know that LGDs seem
to have an uncanny ability to find and utilize every weakness in your fence. If
you think you have a well contained area, wait until you add an LGD to show you
every low spot, crawl space and gap in the fence. LGDs have Houdini like qualities,
can shape shift and can clear just about any obstacle. Some people build
veritable prisons to contain their LGDs, others employ the “fence in front of a fence”
system, and others throw everything they have to keep their dog contained, woven
wire fences, hotwires, buried in the ground anti-dig fences, coyote rollers on
gates and to finish it off an invisible fence.
The doubters will point out if you need fencing this good to contain the
dog, then surely it will keep the predators out and one would not even need a
dog. Yes, that might be true, but if I look at enclosures in zoos to keep
wolves in, then I do not doubt that most fences found on ranches, are simply
not predator proof enough. The fence on most ranchers are to keep the livestock
in, they are not built to keep predators out.
We have good fences, (bison woven wire fence with hot-wires over top) and, we
have bears, wolves, coyotes, lynx, cougars and all the ungulates and moose all
within our fenced areas. The fences do not keep the wildlife out but are good
enough to keep our livestock and LGD in.
I think the biggest “trick” to keeping the livestock
guardian dog contained is to ensure it is happy to want to live with the
livestock (bonded and content), that its social needs are met either with
contact from humans or other pack members, possibly spay and neutering to
reduce any hormonal desires to find a
mate and some fence training. Teaching the pup to respect boundaries and fences
is easier done than trying to break the habit of roaming. Roaming is a self
rewarding behaviour, and those behaviours are generally very hard to stop.
Every time the dog gets to leave, reinforces his own desire to go.
I do not think that fences have to be excessive, if it is good enough (except
for barb wire strands) to contain the livestock, the fence should be sufficient
to contain the dog. I do like to have a starter pasture that is very well
fenced that I can use as my teaching pasture. I use this area to bond the pups
to the livestock, and the pup learns early on that fences and boundaries need
to be respected. If a pup does find its way out of the pasture, we make the
experience outside the pasture quite unpleasant and the pup is returned to the
pasture directly. We always make time to ensure that the training field fences
are excellent. If we notice a pup has a desire to leave, we will rig up a
learning situation. If the pup likes to dig, we will run a strand of hot-wire of
on the outside of the fence so if he is trying to crawl under, he will get
zapped. If he is a climber an offset hot-wire over top will help with that. We
make sure we never talk to the pup over the fence, as this encourages the pup
to stand up against the fence. We teach them about electric sheep nets as much
of our summer grazing for the sheep are in nets. Most importantly, we spend
time to ensure the pup is happy and content being where he is. We will have a
mature companion dog in this area, the pup is in with kind livestock, he has a
nice place to sleep and eat without the livestock bullying the pup, and we
spend a fair amount of time with the pup in that area. In this way his needs
are met, food, shelter and companionship (livestock, another dog and human).
Macedonia, when the sheep are back in the village, after a day of grazing, the LGDs are tethered for the night. A few pups or an older dog, may be a laying in the yard loose. |
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