As our neighbor said," if we did not have bad luck, we would have no luck at all."
It is with total amazement this past week that we watched our semi and trailer, with a load of hay go up in flames.
It really could not be happening again, after the massive barn fire we had in February.
But, it did.
On our free Labour Day Monday morning, Eric and I decided to haul bales home.
We had the semi and trailer, and the tractor with a trailer so could bring home a decent size load.
We loaded the Mack, and while Eric was driving it home, I would load the other trailer.
About 15 minutes after Eric left, he called me that I needed to come with the tractor asap as the semi was in flames.
On our free Labour Day Monday morning, Eric and I decided to haul bales home.
We had the semi and trailer, and the tractor with a trailer so could bring home a decent size load.
We loaded the Mack, and while Eric was driving it home, I would load the other trailer.
About 15 minutes after Eric left, he called me that I needed to come with the tractor asap as the semi was in flames.
The fire department passed me on the road and I could see the plume of smoke miles away.
I could not believe it.
Not one big fire this year, but two.
Pulling up, I could see that every bale was on fire, the wheels burning and neighbor Billy with his own water truck trying to keep the fire from spreading to the cab and fuel tanks (which were completely full, as Eric had fueled up this morning).
The first order of business was to put out the fire,
and prevent it from spreading into a unharvested organic grain crop of good friends of ours.
As there was nothing I could do, but watch,
I took pictures of the scene with my cell phone.
This was first pictures of us loading the semi.

My last view from within the cab.
I had actually thought that it is funny that we have to look at a bulldog's butt while driving.
It amused me enough that I took a picture.
Drag the trailer away.

We headed home in disbelief.
I am sure you are all as shocked as we were.
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement on Facebook.
Although we are getting a little weary of all the set backs,
we do know that we will keep moving forward,
albeit, slower.
Thank you to friends who have helped again,
and thank you to the volunteer Fire Department from High Prairie.
We know you all by name now as we have made a little to much use of your services this year.
I could not believe it.
Not one big fire this year, but two.
Pulling up, I could see that every bale was on fire, the wheels burning and neighbor Billy with his own water truck trying to keep the fire from spreading to the cab and fuel tanks (which were completely full, as Eric had fueled up this morning).
The first order of business was to put out the fire,
and prevent it from spreading into a unharvested organic grain crop of good friends of ours.
As there was nothing I could do, but watch,
I took pictures of the scene with my cell phone.
This was first pictures of us loading the semi.

My last view from within the cab.
I had actually thought that it is funny that we have to look at a bulldog's butt while driving.
It amused me enough that I took a picture.
And, then the clean-up begins.
In order to put out all the bales, they needed to be pushed off the trailer, broken open and then wet down with water.
Eric used the tractor to push them off while the fire department ensured that flare ups where dealt with directly.
In order to put out all the bales, they needed to be pushed off the trailer, broken open and then wet down with water.
Eric used the tractor to push them off while the fire department ensured that flare ups where dealt with directly.
Drag the trailer away.
Make sure all the hay is completely wet and no fire.
Pack up time.
Pack up time.

We headed home in disbelief.
I am sure you are all as shocked as we were.
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement on Facebook.
Although we are getting a little weary of all the set backs,
we do know that we will keep moving forward,
albeit, slower.
Thank you to friends who have helped again,
and thank you to the volunteer Fire Department from High Prairie.
We know you all by name now as we have made a little to much use of your services this year.
I just can't believe this! I am SO sorry for you. I am relieved that you are at least all safe. Be assured that everyone is wishing you the best.