
Friday 28 March 2014

Under the weather

I have been a little sick this last week.
I am a firm believer,
 that when you are sick the best way to get better sooner,
is to go out into the fresh air.

You breath germ free air,
stretch your muscles,
feel the rays of sun on your skin
stroll along and get some of nature's medicine.

Nothing is nicer than walking with your 13 year old son,
and a bunch of over enthusiastic border collies,
visiting with the various animals along the way,
walking a dead end gravel road in the evening sun,
in northern Alberta.

So, here are pictures from my; "get better quick walk":

The chickens are also venturing further a field now that things are a touch warmer.


Puppy love



The fun part, is that the border collies have unbridled energy, they play, and herd and jump up and down the snow banks.

The best part is catching up with Roy,
we chat about all kind of things.

We talk about school, and his friends,
what he is learning, and every now and then he calls to me to take a picture of him.
He runs around on the snow banks, he makes snow angels, he plays with the dogs, and thinks I should join him while laying on our backs in the snow so that the collies can come and swamp us with attention.

He has profound insight into himself,
he says to me:

"Mom, did you know that boys of 13 are either 3 years ahead in their age, 
or 3 years behind?"

So, I asked him which one he was,
"oh 10" he says, while laughing at that.

Aah, the innocence!

Anyway, not quite better yet,
so will need a few more of these heart warming walks.

Have a great weekend!

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