
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Some pictures of dogs and sheep

I tire quickly from Miley,
so thought I would up and change my blog rapidly.
I loved the comment from Brooke that I have "TWORKING" dogs!

So, I do not have too much content this time just some pictures of sheep and dogs in the new snow.
My favourite picture of the bunch.
This is Fena

I do enjoy a dog that is photogenic,
Mali is definitely going to be the photo model type.
So, if she dominates my pictures.. that's the reason.


Mali's mother, Katcha



Fena is shedding her coat after having her litter of pups.
She is looking a little motley here.

Mali (again)

Two sheep

Lucy licking snow

Lucy doing her rounds.

Mali, Lucy and Katcha,
the sheep are so relaxed with the dogs moving around between them, 
they do not even bother to stop grazing.
And, that is how it should be.

Another one of Mali
Mali is maturing into a great dog.
She was super grouchy as a pup, but has mellowed out.

Gathering the ewes to put them in the night corral.

Lad moving a group of lambs towards their night corral, while the ewes head to their night spot.

The evening sky.
The ewes take a quick lick at the salt before going to bed down for the night.

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