
Friday 14 December 2012

I am in sharing mood..

Roy looked at this picture and asked "Who is that?"
I gave him a really evil look.
He said " Mom, what happened?"
and I replied
" I ask myself  that daily.."

Well, I suppose Life happened, and today I celebrate another milestone.

Seeing that its my birthday,
I thought I would share some random list of  random things about me for all my blog readers.

So, here goes, in no particular order:

*I like making lists, they help to clarify things

*I like all kinds of music, from Lady Gaga, to Country. to Techno,
it all depends on my mood I suppose.
I used to have a boyfriend who was/is very into music.
He made me  introduced me to all kinds of vague bands.
(Hi Jon..)
We are still friends after about 27 years!
One of my all time favourites is still In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins it is on all my iTunes playlists.
*I like to write and share our daily dose of drama from our ranch.
* As far as my favourite movies goes, its is also kind of all over the map.
The same boyfriend ( Hi Jon..) used to take me to just about every movie showing in our town in the late eighties.
But, I have always liked the long drama
" A river runs through it"
I also enjoyed the book.

As I am a bit of a romantic I always loved the epic Out of Africa..

it kind of does it more for me than the Twilight movies..
Although I do like the Werewolves!

* I like to read ( everything), I even read the labels on toilet spray.

*I am a Sagittarius  and under the Chinese Astrological signs I am a Sheep/goat
- how could it not have been.
* I love being at home. But, home is not necessarily my house!

* I enjoy having visitors but like to have some warning so I can clean our house.

*My idea of retirement is a 3 horse trailer with built in living quarters,
and then travel to all the great natural wonders. Ride my horse, walk the dog etc..
Something like this:

 *I like to collect quotes on my computer.

*I love riding my horse and training dogs,
I did not realise that the Canadian winter would hinder this.

*I have both German and Irish blood,
but have had a South African, Dutch and Canadian (PR) passport.

*Who knows, I might move to another continent again.

* I always carry a pocket knife with me.

* I cannot tie knots, I do not know the difference between a half hitch and a bow..

*I have work hands and painted toenails ( thanks to my teenage daughter)

*I remember a childhood drama, I think it shaped who I am.
Our family was invited to a springbok hunt when I was just a kid in Africa.
I don't know what my child brain understood with a "springbok hunt" but when they shot a young buck in front of me, I was mortified.
I remember my horror and revulsion.
I have gotten over this drama, and can actually accept that people hunt,
but it can only be justified in my mind if it is to put food on the table.

*It is rather contradictory as we breed butcher lambs.

*It was never my life goal to have kids, however I am so pleased with the two I have.
They are two great kids!
I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I'm honoured to have been mentioned :).

    You were the best movie companion as well as a critical listener to some of the odd bands I subjected you to. I loved the time I spent with you, particularly going to the sheepdog trials with Ace and Scudi.

    Those were the days!

    1. Hi Jon

      Yeah, in the back of the movies... making out at times was fun... No, I was not such a critical listner, it was like you needed ( and still do) to educate me in the ways great music! We did have fun and I have kept all your letters, Natal Witless Newspaper etc. They have moved with me all over the world :) You hated country life and I made you endure all that rural stuff. Thanks again for a great time then, I am so pleased we still have kept in touch!
