
Saturday 4 August 2012

Internet problems and rodeo in HIgh Prairie

My main excuse for not blogging much is that we have had lots of Internet problems these last few weeks.
Apparently something is wrong with the satellite.
They said they would come and fix it....
but who knows how long that will take.
So, when we do have service I do try and post something, but most of the time it kind of flashes on and off.

The other activity that has kept me busy is the High Prairie Rodeo.
Our kids ride in the grand entry and closing ceremony.
They have been training for months.
Twice a week for hours at a time.
18 young people do a drill team pattern with the sponsors flags.

On rodeo day, they horses are all bathed and shined up,
they have ribbons in their hair (manes and tails)
and glittery stars on their butts.
The kids are shined up as well!

The rodeo starts with a parade through town.
All the companies prepare a parade vehicle,
as well as clubs, churches, the local bands, horse clubs
in fact just about everyone participates.

The kids ride in the parade with the sponsors flags.

And, then its rodeo time.
Roy was a touch nervous, so I gave him a quick pep talk.
It went like this:
"Roy, you have done great up to now, have fun and enjoy yourself.
Oh, whatever you do, don;t drop the sponsors flag and please don't fall off"

And, then this is what happened...

Yep, the kid on the grey horse flying through the air is Roy!
Luckily, he was quickly brushed off and was back in the saddle in no time.

This year Jess ran in the local barrel racing event.
I did not give her a pep talk, but did say
"whatever you do DON'T fall off".
She took my advice to heart and stayed on.

Other than that it was a good two days.
All the normal rodeo events came by.
The bucking horses:

The bulls were very tough,
and many cowboys ended up with mud on their face,
bruises and a few with some new bragging rights scars.

Our rodeo runs pony chuckwagons:

 And, we also have rodeo royalty.
The pretty blond girl on the left is Samantha, one of Jess's best friends.
She is now the new Miss High Prairie Rodeo Queen!
Unfortunately, Miss Rodeo Canada was unable to attend our rodeo due to a fall off her horse..

Jess, has queen ambitions and plans to participate in either next year or the following years Queen competition.

And, then it was time to clean up, pack away and head back to our daily lives.
Haying and sheep work calls.


  1. MOM! You have a picture of your son falling off? :)What made you snap a picture instead of playing the worried mom roll?! Oh, well, you can blackmail him later when he brings his first girl home on a date. "I have a picture of Roy when he fell off his horse in front of all those people!"

  2. Well, I did feel rather guilty...but I was taking pictures anyway and that just kind of happened. He was up on his feet right away. I also have a video of that moment, so.. have lots to blackmail with. He definately made a lot of advertising for his sponsor...Everyone knows him now. But, he is doing good.
