
Friday 9 March 2012

The cuteness of this...

I have been wanting to blog about this for a while now,
but never had my camera handy to document this.
However, yesterday I came prepared...
Let me first explain a little,
so that you have some background information.

We lambed in December/ January
and we are lambing now again (had about 20 today..)
In between these two period we had a "rest".
Whenever we plan to rest,
something always happens.
So, a yearling ewe decided to lamb
(who IS your daddy???).
As this lamb was too young to mix in with the first lambing group,
so  it stayed in the barn, with its mother and some extra sheep for the company.
Those extra sheep, were actually my "puppy bonding to sheep" group.
The ten pups have always been with these sheep,
the day they ventured out of the whelping box, they saw sheep.
They have never been without sheep.
So, this lamb also grew up in this unusual situation.
She ( the lamb) has never been without puppies.
This lamb thinks it is perfectly normal to be surrounded by 10 puppies.
Sometimes the pups and the lambs play chase (as lambs do) and everyone then races up and down the barn.
When it is time for the puppies and lamb to nap,
they all creep through the small little puppy door of the whelping crate and settle down to snooze together.
The mother of the lamb will sometimes lay down beside the box,
while her baby is sleeping in the lions den.

I am sorry to overwhelm you with so many photos
but this is just so cute...

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! The owners of those pups won't have to worry about their pup bonding with sheep!
