
Tuesday 7 February 2012


Our ranch is the first ranch in Canada to be officially certified
"Predator Friendly"

  And, we are pretty proud of this!

As many of my regular blog readers know,
I am passionate about the wildlife in and around a ranch.
I enjoy seeing the coyotes playing out in the fields, seeing the bear and her babies and catching the fleeting glimpses of elusive wolves.
However, this does not mean that the wildlife can come over and have a free and easy snack of lamb.
We place a lot of time and effort into progressive management.

Besides the simple joy of seeing the wildlife,
 we also understand that predators  play a vital role in maintaining ecosystems.
 For more information on the effect of vanishing predators and the negative environmental impact this has, please read the following links:
Read how wolves help antelope to flourish:Wolf Density Aids Pronghorn Fawn Survival

Where the Wild Things Were: Life, Death and Ecological Wreckage in a Land of Vanishing Predatorsby William Stolzenburg
The Wolfs Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trphic Cascades and BiodiversityBy Cristina Eisenburg

As the Predator Friendly label will be merging with the international orgainisation
Certified Wildlife Friendly,
we will soon be applying for accredation with this organisation.

   Predator Friendly:
Wildlife Friendly:


  1. Wat een prachtig certificaat! Zo kan het dus ook, samenleven met de wilde dieren die ook maar gewoon hun eigen leven willen leven! Gefeliciteerd en dan nog wel het allereerste roofdiervriendelijke bedrijf in Canada, jullie zijn hierin dus de echte pioniers!

  2. Hello, I just wanted to Thank you for your wonderful work in conserving natural eco systems, and protecting the wildlife near your farm. What excellent work you are doing in teaching and sharing such a wonderful message!
    While I am vegan and hope to see a world where animals are not used, this is something excellent that I must comment on.
    Thank You again. :)
