
Monday 30 May 2011


No, not the game that people play on Facebook but rather the daily goings on our  ranch.
We have been crazy busy the last few weeks and it does not look like it is getting much better.
I love spring but there is just so much that needs to be done, it is hard to take a moment and appreciate the change in nature.
Here is a quick glimpse into some of our daily Farmlife routines.
After tending to the collies I usually pick a dog to help me out with the chores that morning. My choice was for Sheila. I love taking Sheila with me as she can get a lot done in a short time and the handiest thing of all, is that she is so small and compact she can fit into a tiny corner of the tractor. You see, when I take Lad with me he is such a large dog that he takes up half the space in the tractor leaving things a bit crowded. Sheila fits behind the grapple, between the door and next to the steering wheel:

The disadvantage of taking Sheila with me is that she absolutely hates having her picture taken. She grovels, sticks her tongue out, rolls her eyes and does all kind of strange maneuvers to avoid her picture been taken.
Look at this one:

After tending to the animals in the barn it is time to go out and feed the guardian dogs. I move my dogs around on a regular basis so as Fena is in season and we do not want her bred she is now hanging out with Lucy and Molly in the bull pasture.
I fence line feed here.

Katcha and Snowy have sheep guardian duties together. Katcha is developing into a wonderful and reliable guardian dog. She is always laying close by the stock. She is calm, confident and a self assured dog.

The sheep were shorn a few weeks back, and straight after shearing they always look really naked. A few weeks later they look great.  This is the breeding group.
The other sheep are  lambing now,
we have about 20 lambs on the ground.

Between all the feeding and lambing the last few calves are being born now. This heifer calved, and all went great. She is a good momma and her baby is doing great.

This young group of roosters are our yard ornaments.
They are pretty to look at but not really functional.
Some of these guys will be headed to the odd and unusual sale next week..

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